Brighton Cricket Club runs one of the largest junior cricket programs in Adelaide, supported by the families and members of the Brighton Cricket Club community.
Community sporting clubs like ours are the lifeblood of Australian sport. As a community cricket club our aim is to provide an opportunity for youngsters living in and around our locality to take part in the sport of cricket and to build lasting friendships with their teammates.
We are a welcoming club and do not turn away girls who would like to play cricket at our club. The development of junior players through coaching and training is a large part of the junior program.
Junior coaches are largely recruited from the parents and wider supporters of the Junior Cricket program. Coaches are supported by the Club's Director of cricket and committee to obtain a Community (Level 1) Coaching accreditation. The Level 1 coaching is an entry level course that equips aspiring coaches with the technical skills and teaching techniques required to coach at a community level and assist at a junior level.
The competitions
the girls play in the Strikers Girls Cricket League -
Matches are T20 and take place on a Friday evening.
The junior co coordinator can be contacted via the form at the bottom of this page or via email -
Junior Girls Cricket

Frequently asked questions
When do registrations open?
Friday 05 July 2024 from 9:00am.
How do I register my child?
Registrations are via PlayHQ register page
Is there a wait list for joining the club?
No - no wait list for Junior Girls Cricket.
What are the age groups for the girls' teams?
U12s (born after 01 September 2012)
U15s (born after 01 September 2009)
U18s (born after 01 September 2006)
What are the cut off dates for each age group?
01 September is the cut off date for each competition. eg to play in the U12 competitions, children must be 11 years old or younger on 1st September 2024.
Can juniors play up or down an age group?
Juniors are permitted to play up age groups but not down an age group - unless a permit has been granted by the Association.
When does training take place?
Juniors Girls teams train on a Monday.
When does the season start and end?
Round 1 of the girls season should align with the school terms dates and commence on Friday 18 October 2024.
What cricket gear do players need to provide themselves? n does training take place?
Juniors require a playing shirt (available from the Brighton CC Belgravia online store ) - their own helmet, box and batting gloves. Team kits include spare bats and batting pads in the younger grades.
Girls will play in yellow T20 shirts and black shorts or trousers.